There was a crane just hanging out on the side of the slough this morning when I went to the beach. It's not the best picture; but you get the idea. I took this before Charlie took off after it. I don't quite know what he thinks he would do if a bird didn't fly off, but instead turned around and squawked at him. He'd probably yelp and run and hide behind my legs.
So, last night, I went out for a drink with my friend Michelle for my birthday. I had a few friends over on Sunday night, so I wasn't into doing any big thing. She's been out of town for the last 3 or 4 weeks, and was actually driving from San Francisco yesterday, just so we could get together and make my day special. We've emailed a few times, so we had it all planned ahead of time. I thought.
She called from the road about three-thirtyish. Suggested three places, two of which I don't like. When I suggested a different place, she said she didn't really like it there. Okay, but isn't it my birthday? And, she told me that she was so tired that she only wanted to stay out until 7 o'clock. We were meeting at 5:30. I thought that was kinda weird too, but whatever. I suggested another bar, but she then said that she was going to be hungry, and so wanted to go to a place with food. I suggested a third place, she said it was too expensive.
Hm... So I finally said, "let me think about it" and asked her to call me again in an hour.
Silence on the other end of the phone.
"What? I'm trying to think of a place. Give me a bit, and I'll come up with something."
"Uh, no, it's not that. I ... invited Donald...and Robert... they're going to meet us."
Huh. Interesting. You might remember, dear reader, that Donald is the young man with whom Michelle believes I would make a great pair. The same young man who is very nice, but is totally taken with Michelle. Here's where I wrote about it before. I suspected she might do that, and he really is a nice fellow, so I didn't mind too much that she invited her friend (although you would think, just maybe, she would have invited one or two of my friends, wouldn't you? Seeing as how it was my birthday?).
Robert is another story. This man is a piece of work. I can not stand him. If I know he's going to be somewhere, I make up some reason not to be there. Although Michelle probably doesn't know the extent to which I loathe this person, she knows I don't like him.
Let me explain why I dislike this man so intensely. About two years ago, I was to meet Michelle for a drink after work. I got there, and there were three other people there I didn't know. I don't like that. I don't mind meeting new people, but I like to know what to expect. Introductions all around, and Robert and his wife are old friends of Michelle. Fine. Somehow, the conversation goes around to health/sex education in the schools. Robert says, with authority,
"You know, in Massachusetts, they're teaching kids how to have gay sex. They are teaching them how to be gay."
(If you know me, you will understand the blood that began seeping out of my mouth, which came from the puncture wounds caused by my teeth placed firmly against my tongue.)
"What? What did you just say? Like someone can be taught to be gay? I don't think you have all the facts."
And the drama ensued. Suffice it to say that it ended with his telling me that I would not only be going to Hell, but be swimming in the River Styx because of my not believing... well, what he believed. Which was, as you've already figured out, that homosexuality is a sin.
Asshole. I always love these folks that have a direct line to God. Like they know better than the rest of us.
So yeah, I don't like him. And he's coming.
My turn for silence. Then,
More to come tomorrow.
Rebekah, this is way off topic for this post - so, I'm sorry. But a couple months ago you posted on your mission position at Kobe Jogakuin. (Which I just now found.) I have been trying to locate someone who taught at that school from around 1995 to 2000. (I also had a UCC position in Isahaya.) Anyway, is that anywhere near the time that you were there? And would you have any way of locating past teachers at that school? Just wondering.
What a great story leaving me wanting for more. And I liked especially the bit about tongue biting.
Can't wait for the conclusion.
I don't like the sound of him either ;-D
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